Content Promotion

Overview of feature 

Content Promotion empowers administrators to spotlight preferred curriculum complements, novel studies, specific topics, courses, and more. Use this feature to easily customize the teacher experience to showcase preferred Newsela resources so they spend less time searching for the right resource and more time preparing for instruction. 

Who can access it?

Newsela users designated as district administrators can access and use the content promotion tool. 

Where can I access it?

Newsela district administrators can access content promotion via the admin console and by choosing content promotion under admin tools or by selecting from the admin drop down menu in the navigation and selecting content promotion.

Background section

How does it work?

Administrator configuration: 

  1. District administrators can access the Content promotion configuration page by clicking on the admin dropdown menu and selecting “Content promotion” or it can be accessed from the admin console page. 

  2. Once there the administrator can identify the desired grade ranges and then choose to click “Start” for either ELA, SS, or Science. (Note that your options are based on your district’s paid product offerings with Newsela) 

  3. You can then answer questions for that subject area to identify the best content for promoting to the associated teachers in your district. 

  4. Once you have completed your selections you will be able to Save and Preview before you confirm by choosing to Publish. 

  5. Once published you have the ability to update your selections at any time to help keep the promoted content aligned with your district’s current needs.

Enhance your teachers’ experience by showing preferred curricular-aligned content for the following Newsela products and features:

Newsela ELA
- Curriculum Complements
- Novel and Book Studies
- Themes and topics
- Content types
- Specific reading skills

Newsela Social Studies
- Curriculum Complements
- Courses
- Themes and topics
- Content types

Newsela Science
- Curriculum Complements
- Courses
- Supplemental collections
- Content types

Teacher access: 

Once administrators have set configurations for teachers they will be able to access “Promoted at your District” under the Content Library tab.