Managing Content Visibility for Students

As a district administrator, you have the ability to manage the visibility of specific content for students within your school or district. If you need assistance updating visibility within your district, please contact support. If you are a teacher within a school district and desire to restrict access to certain content, we recommend reaching out to your district administrator for a thorough review and consideration of your request.

When content is flagged with an advisory label it will not be visible to students unless it is assigned by a teacher. Blocked content will not appear for either teachers or students.

After content visibility preferences have been set by a district level admin, a school level administrator can only use content settings to make visibility more restrictive. For example, if a district admin has blocked certain content for grades 3-5, a school admin cannot change/override that. However, if a district admin has applied an advisory label to that same content, a school admin can choose to block it.

If a teacher previously assigned an article that an Admin later flags to be blocked, then the assignment is removed from both teacher and student. If it is a multi-content assignment then only the flagged blocked article will be removed from the assignment

If a teacher previously assigned an article that an Admin later flags for advisory, then the teacher is asked to reassign the assignment and the student loses the assignment. If it is a multi-content assignment then only the flagged advisory content will be removed from the assignment and the teacher will need to reassign the full assignment for the student to see it again.

Click on the option "choose to reassign"

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