Understanding EverWrite Labeling

Thesis - EverWrite looks for a direct answer to the assigned prompt. EverWrite will chose the sentence that presents the main idea the student develops in the essay as the thesis. If the chosen rubric, or a teacher's preferred synonym, contains a different term such as Claim, EverWrite uses the same logic to identify this sentence type.

  • Prompt: Discuss the theme of love in Romeo and Juliet.

    • Thesis: Love is the source of resolution in Romeo and Juliet because love leads to an outcome that forces the two families to resolve their differences.

    • Not a Thesis: Love is important in Romeo and Juliet.

Evidence - EverWrite defines evidence as information from a text that supports the student’s thesis. Students can use either direct quotes or paraphrasing as evidence, which. EverWrite recognizes with quotation marks or in-text citations. See how EverWrite recognizes evidence:

  • Evidence: At the end of the play, the Prince says: “And I, for winking at your discords too, / Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punished”  (Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 3). 

  • Not evidence: Romeo tells Juliet he loves her.

Analysis - Analysis sentences develop the student’s argument. To identify analysis, EverWrite looks for sentences that are on-topic and argumentative. Declarative sentences don’t count. See how EverWrite recognizes an analysis:

  • Analysis: Romeo’s monologues demonstrate that conflict can only be resolved through tragedy. 

  • Not an analysis: Romeo and Juliet is a play about love. 

Background/Context - EverWrite defines background or context sentences as declarative ones that are on topic but don’t develop an argument. You’ll see the background label on short-form responses and the context label on long-form essays. See how EverWrite recognizes background and context content:

  • Background or context: Romeo and Juliet is a play about love. 

  • Not background or context: Romeo’s monologues demonstrate that conflict can only be resolved through tragedy. 

Summary - EverWrite defines a summary as a sentence that restates the essay’s main idea. It should be clear that the sentence indicates a final thought. EverWrite uses Summary for short answer paragraphs and body paragraphs in long-form essays. See how EverWrite recognizes a summary:

  • Summary: In conclusion, love functions as a kind of character. 

  • Not a summary: Love functions as a kind of character.