Update or Delete Assignments

On the assignment page, teachers can update or delete assignments.

To update the class instructions, text level, or article(s) in an assignment, follow these steps: 

  1. At the top of the page, click on Assignments

  2. Click on the assignment you want to edit. This will take you to the assignment page.

  3. On the assignment page, click Edit at the top right 

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  4. To update the assignment's settings, click the dropdown arrow next to the Save Changes button, and select "Assignment settings". Edit your selections and click "Save changes" at the bottom left corner of the window when you're done

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  5. If you need to update your assignment's title or instructions, edit them on the Assignment Builder side panel and click 'Save Changes'

  6. If you need to add or remove from your assignment's activities, check or uncheck the relevant boxes on the Assignment Builder and click 'Save Changes'

  7. If you need edit your assignment's activities, click 'View' next to the activity you'd like to edit within the Assignment Builder and after making your changes click 'Save Changes

  8. Once you're done updating, click Save changes

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To delete an assignment, follow these steps: 

  1. At the top of the page, click Assignments

  2. Click on the trashcan icon at the top of the assignment you want to delete.

  3. A pop-up screen will appear, asking you to confirm you want to delete your assignment. Click the red Delete Assignment button to do so.

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  4. You can also go to the assigned article itself, click the dropdown arrow next to "Save Changes" and select the delete assignment option. A pop-up window will appear to confirm you want to delete the assignment. Click the red Delete button to confirm deletion of the assignment

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