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Text Sets and Collections

Text Sets and Collections are two ways that you’ll see articles organized on Newsela. Certain text sets and collections are affiliated with Newsela subscription types, such as Newsela Social Studies, and cannot be viewed or shared with other subscription types.

Text Sets: Groups of articles that share a common theme. You can create your own Text Sets or explore Text Sets created by other teachers and by Newsela editors.

Collections: Curriculum resources that contain content and instructional materials aligned to the scope and sequence for a subject, that have been purchased for your school or district.

From the Newsela Menu

You can browse all Text Sets available to you or view Text Sets that teachers you work with have created:

Browse all Text Sets

  1. Click on 'Content Library' at the top of the page

  2. Select 'Text Sets' from the dropdown menu

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View Text Sets created by others

  1. Click 'Content Library' at the top of the page

  2. Select 'From my school' from the dropdown menu

  3. Scroll the displayed page to locate Text Sets

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Using the Search Field

When you search on Newsela, Text Sets appear as one of the search tabs.

  1. Enter a search term into the Search bar

  2. Select the Text Sets tab above the search results

  3. All Text Sets already curated by educators on that topic will be displayed

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From the Newsela Menu

  1. Select 'Content Library' at the top of the page.

  2. From the drop-down menu, Select either 'Created by me' or 'From my school'.

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  3. Click the blue Create New Text Set button, in the top right-hand corner of the page.

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  4. Enter a name and description for your Text Set and click 'Create text set' to confirm

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  5. From here, any article can be added into the newly created Text Set by clicking on the 'Edit' button, inputting a search term into the search field and selecting articles from the dropdown.

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  6. You can also add articles to an existing Text Set by accessing the article itself and clicking on the 'Add' button on the article actions bar. Then selecting the Text Set to add the article to from the dropdown menu.

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From Another Text Set

Teachers can also make their own copy of an existing Text Set and then proceed to edit it to their liking.

  1. Select the text set you'd like to use.

  2. Click the Copy Content icon (two sheets of paper in a circle) at the top of a Text Set created by Newsela or another teacher. 

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  3. From here you can continue to edit your copy of the Text Set at your preference

From an Article

  1. Scroll down the article's page to locate the article actions icon bar, and click the "+Add to Text Set" icon

  2. Select "Create new Text Set."

  3. The article will load in a new screen within the Text Set

  4. Click the Edit button (pencil icon) at the top of the screen

  5. Update the title, description, and add articles to complete the Text Set.

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Teachers can edit Text Sets that they have created or copied. If you want an edited version of a Text Set made by someone else, start by clicking the copy icon at the top of a Text Set.  

  1. Go to the Text Set you want to work with, by clicking 'Content Library' at the top of the screen and selecting 'Created by me' from the dropdown menu. 

  2. Click the Text Set you’d like to edit.

  3. Click the Edit button at the top of the page (pencil icon).

  4. Update the title or description; or add, remove, or reorder articles.

  5. Click Save.

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Teachers can also add articles to any already created Text Sets directly from an article by clicking the Add button (plus sign on pages icon). Simply scroll down to locate the article's actions icon bar, click the Add button, and proceed to select the destination text set of your preference.

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