Writing Prompts

All articles have Newsela writing prompts that students can respond to in the activities panel. Teachers can create their own writing prompts by following these steps:

  1. On an article, open the Activities panel. 

  2. Click Write Promt.

  3. Click Edit and enter your writing prompt.

  4. Click Save. 

  5. Click Create Assignment to send the article to your students. They will be able to submit their writing responses by completing the Write activity. 

  6. Writing prompt responses can be viewed from the Assignments tab of your Binder. Select an assignment to view all articles within the assignment. Students who have completed a writing response will have a "Grade Now" in the "Students with Write Activity" column. You can select a student's name from this page to bring up individual student activity data. If a student has not yet completed their writing response then 'Write' will not be shown under activities.

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